Sunday 26 April 2015

6 signs She really wants you

1. She always returns your texts—and more quickly than you return hers

You never want to seem over-eager, or invest a lot more than she does. “Investment” here can be measured in text message length, amount of emotional content, how many texts get responded to, and how quickly you answer her texts.

2. There’s sexual tension where there  wasn’t any before

When a friend wants you, there’s almost always some physical/sexual tension. This is different from when you’re attracted to someone you don’t know, where the first few steps are usually about spending time together and getting to know each other. But if you’re already friends, you’ve presumably done a lot of that already. Her wanting you means that she wants to take things to the next level.

3. She’s “touchier” with you

One thing we teach a lot at Love Systems is that “body language rarely lies.” If she touches you more than she touches her other male friends (usually on the arm, shoulder, back, etc.), she might be showing her intentions.

4. You’re funnier all of a sudden

A classic way for a woman to show she’s attracted to a man is to laugh at his jokes. Having a good sense of humor is important for meeting and attracting women anyway.

If she seems to laugh at little louder and more quickly at.your jokes than she does with other guys in your social circle, she might be sending signals. Or your sense of humor just happens to appeal to her – which isn’t a bad sign in itself.

5. She’s randomly up to date about your life

She follows you on Facebook and “liked” you status update about getting off work early. She commented that your new profile photo looks great. When you run into her, she asks you how that new sushi restaurant was – because you posted last week that you were going to check it out. This is the social media equivalent of making eye contact at a party. And it’s just as good of a sign of her interest.

6. She never tries to set you up

OK, this one’s not true. It’s a bit illogical, but often a woman who has a crush on you will try to set you up with someone else – especially if she’s seen you a bunch of times and you haven’t made a move yet.

Regardless of the situation, be flattered if this happens. It means she sees you as being attractive enough to stake her own reputation on. And if your friend is single, it’s almost always a good sign if she’s interested in your dating life – even if she’s supposedly trying to set you up with someone else.

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